Sunday, March 16, 2014

El Salvador 2014: Day 1

 It has been a bumpy road, but I finally made it to the day I've been waiting for. I think it's safe to say I'm home again. I just can't wait to fulfill God's plans for this week!
 Isn't this place gorgeous?!

They performed plays and songs for us when we got there as a welcome!

This is one of our sponsor kids, Milton. He's only 12, but he looks 15.

All these kids are learning how to sew water bottle holders, towels, pillows, etc.


When it was time to go to back to the hotel, I felt like every single person in the church hugged me to say goodbye. They all have such beautiful hearts. I hope to be more like the people of this wonderful place.  For more updates on the trip, go to the hashtag #elsalvador2014bcf on Instagram.

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